

Poster for the CMAA 2019
Engineering Project of the
Year Award

Client: Jacobs Engineering
New York, NY

fashion show


Poster for the CMAA 2020
Engineering Project of the
Year Award

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Morristown, NJ


Cover of Interactive PDF for the
Maritime Industry

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Virginia Beach, VA


Cover of Science & Technology Qualifications Package

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Philadelphia, PA


Magazine Advertisement

Client: Port Authority NYNJ
New York, NY


Full Page Magazine Advertisement
For Global Port Solutions

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Virginia Beach, VA


Full page ad for United Ostomy
Associations of America

Client: United Ostomy Associations

Kennebunk, ME

fashion show


Poster for the Autumn Fashion
Show in Bryant Park, NYC

Client: Bryant Park Assoc.

fashion show

Communication Tower
Installation poster

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Colombia, GA.

Communication Tower
Installation poster

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Colombia, GA.

Completed CD Cover
promoting Thomas Publishing's
new Catalog Building CD

Client: Thomas Publishing, NYC
catalog builder

Public Safety poster

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Camden County, GA.
Advertising Billboard for
Converse Sneakers.

Client: Convers/Nike Inc.

North Andover, Mass
converse ad

Communication Tower
Installation poster

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Portland, MA.
Advertising billboard for TapdNY.
Company bottling NY tap water

Client: TapdNY
fashion show

Radio Communication Towers,
Public Safety Poster

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Camden County, GA.
Poster for the Rembrandt show.
Museum of Modern Art, NYC

Client: Museum of Modern Art
rembrandt poster

Poster for Completed
Engineering Bridge Project

Client: Jacobs Engineering
Completed CD Cover promoting
Indie Band: Bastards of Melody

Client: Bastards of Melody
bom cd cover

Engineering advertisement for
Jacobs Engineering.

Morristown, NJ

Engineering advertisement for
Jacobs Engineering.

Morristown, NJ